When there was water
embodying feelings of dislocation and separation, contemplating a world where water is a scarce resource.
Spread Spectrum Festival Moscow, Russia. July 2020 (premiere)
This film moves between the desolate "lost village" of El Acebuchal, the parched hills above Frigiliana, and the stately pools and fountains in the Alhambra of Granada. The choreography embodies feelings of dislocation and separation, contemplating a world where water is a scarce resource.
DANCERS Lindsay Berliner, Kathryn Felsinger, Natalie Johnson, Justin Keats, Madeline Lamond, Rebecca Levy, Samantha Matsumoto, Katrina Muffley, Emi Oshima, Davita Paul, Jason Poullard, Amy Quanbeck, Alysha Shroff, Jeremy Zapanta
COMPOSER Linda Marcel
DIRECTOR John Crawford
FLUTIST Leonardo Grittani
COSTUMES Melanie Watnick
SPECIAL THANKS Claire Calalo, Julia Cost, Shannon Cuykendall, Emil Sein, Martha Zepeda, UCI Dance Department, UCI Emergent Media + Design Institute